Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Exploring for Dragons

This week we have been off timetable as half our children have been away on residential. For the children that were left we decided to do a Mission: Explore style lesson linked to our current theme of dragons. We were extremely lucky with the weather and decided to extend the session because of it.
The children were given five activities:
  1. Survey the area for the best place for a dragon to live. List the reasons why you have chosen this place and make a sketch of it here:
  2. Make a dragon from found things. Explore the school looking for dragon-like things. Find old sticks that look like claws, leaves that could be scales and stones that could be eyes. Take a photograph or even animate your dragon and tell a story.
  3. Find evidence that dragons have been living on the school site. Film a news report about it.
  4. Sound like a dragon. How many sounds can you make that sound like a dragon? Think about how it sounds when it’s walking, flying, breathing, snorting, roaring. Record the sounds you find.
  5. Imagine you are a dragon flying over the school. Draw a dragon’s eye view of what can be seen.
There were also a couple of (toy) dragons hidden around the school site which they needed to find. It was great to see the children walking around and discussing the reasons why a dragon might live in a certain spot and comaparing the different areas/habitats around our school site or trying to work out what the buildings look like from above to draw a map. All the children worked brilliantly and showed some great team work. They produced some fabulous art-attack style dragons out of natural materials which are below:

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